Table of Contents

One thing I have participated in and watched for many years as a Christian, within the church building, is the utter fear to not touch, eat and/or participate in things considered by the church to be “evil”.  What I have found as the fruit of this thinking is a great amount of fear and creating an enemy who is bigger than God.  It begins to make the body of Christ…well…less salty.  I no longer hold this opinion because I am free in Christ.  He holds my heart, soul, mind, body…all of me.  

Not Your Holy Spirit

One thing I don’t want to do is be the Holy Spirit for others.  Like with my children, I will first ask them what has the Holy Spirit said to you.  What is God speaking to you…you probably already know the answer.  Should we participate in this or that, play this video game, watch this movie and on and on.  Walk in wisdom with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Who is Bigger?

 In my book, Time To Really Live Free, I wrote a chapter called “God is Bigger than Any Boogeyman”.  Within that chapter I wrote this statement:

Other ways Christians, today, believe Satan can have access into our lives is by our bad behavior “sin” in our lives, choices to watch certain movies, reading certain books, going certain places and talking or having any connection with certain people.  (pg.104)

Law Vs. Grace

Within my next book, The Door Is Open, I write about this scripture from Colossians:

“Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations-Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle, which all concern things which perish with the using–according to the commandments and doctrines of MEN? These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of NO VALUE against the indulgence of the flesh.” 2:20-23

In this chapter entitled, ‘Royal Law’, I speak about how this thinking brings us back to following the law which causes us to rely on ourselves which is in direct opposition to God (see Chapter 14 of Time To Really Live Free).  

Curiosity Can Be a Good Thing

What I have learned is all humanity has a curiosity about the spiritual realm.  I think this comes from our desire to know God.  Sometimes I see the worldly thinking in the church though.  The world will many times portray Satan as much stronger than God.  We see this in movies, books etc.  But this isn’t accurate.  Yet, the church (the body of Christ) also will do the same thing.  One example is this time of year.  It is as though Satan is somehow stronger in the month of October.  So, the church hides under the covers (I have seen this first hand within many churches) because they are afraid of this “haunting” month.  But what kind of picture does this represent?  Is it the actual truth?  No, not at all.  

No Longer Scared

I am no longer scared to be out and about during this time of year.  So silly to even think I ever was. I love this time of year: the crisp air, the leaves changing, a little warmth left at times in the day.  See my focus isn’t on what is evil but what is beautiful.  I live from the place that NOTHING is or ever will be BIGGER than God.  And he lives in me.  How fantastic is that?  Really fantastic.  

“Haunting of Venice”

I had gone to the movie “A Haunting in Venice”. I love Agatha Christie movies and love Hercule Poirot as a character. Before I wouldn’t have been able to go to this movie because I would then be considered “dirty” and have to be “washed off” otherwise I would be tormented by demons.  Now, I believe and know that he who is in me is greater than he who lives in the world.  I also know what I believe holds so much value in this world and in the kingdom of heaven. 

An Answer

One of the quotes from this movie gives an idea of what may be behind the interest of Halloween for the masses of people (I am not speaking of those who choose to do dark and cruel things and by the way those who do those dark and cruel things don’t just do them on Halloween—they do them everyday). The quote was from the scene where orphans are going to a house in Venice to have a party for Halloween.  Before they enter they are entertained in the entryway with the story of this particular house.  It is a scary story of children being locked into the house and forgotten. Hercule Poirot states in a question, is this too scary of a story for the children? The answer from the person he asked was something along the lines of: They go through sad and terrifying things every day. The things they see in this story makes the real world less scary.

The world is looking for less fear.  The church has doled out fear just as much as the world.  The church is called to be light and salt.  And we tend to shine very bright when it is the darkest.  God’s love takes away all fear.  If I know that I know that I am one hundred percent loved by God than I walk in the confidence that nothing is bigger than him.  I am safe, always.  For eternity. 


In saying all of this…enjoy the fun things of this season.  Enjoy the treats some tricks maybe.  Be a child again with a vivid imagination.  Be the light in the dark.  I see real people searching for God in the spiritual realm this time of year.  People are hungry to know there is more to this world.  It is the churches time to shine.  Not by pointing fingers but by simply shining and showing the world we are not afraid of evil.  To enjoy these things doesn’t mean you are agreeing with evil.  Agreeing with evil would be believing evil is bigger than God which in turn you are then putting Satan where he really wants to be.  

More Answers

One of the stories I tell in Time To Really Live Free is about a question I got from a younger woman about tarot cards.  Here is part of my answer:

I believe tarot card readers are opening the door to the spiritual realm without Jesus.  Which means they are accessing the spiritual realm illegally.  So, you will get a mixed bag when you seek knowledge, understanding or future events this way. The mixed bag means you will get some truth mixed in with some lies and a sprinkle of fear.  Jesus on the other hand opens the door legally to the spiritual realm and He always gives you truth.  I explained to her I am no longer afraid of the tarot cards or the people using them.  I can touch and be around both without the fear of being “demonically attacked” or getting a “hitchhiker”; because God is bigger than all that and He lives in me.  I asked her, “Do we need to seek a tarot card reader to get our answers”?  And I answered the question with wisdom, “Why seek something inferior when you already have the answers you need inside you’.

Just like with the tarot cards, we do not need to fear reading something, watching something or playing a certain video game.  We do need wisdom when choosing.  (page 119-120)

May God fill you with understanding as he unwinds old belief systems and you see the way he sees.  Much Grace, Darlene


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Week 8 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! Week eight is about goodness and a new creation-YOU.  The challenge is to rest in God, the vine, from the place of who you are-a new creation and a branch.  The scripture is from John 17:22-23.  You can read more in Chapter 5 of The Door Is Open.  I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have.  Please don’t hesitate to comment, email or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there.  Hoping you have found new freedom in Christ! #thedoorisopen #newcreation #vine #branch #fruitsoftheSpirit #HolySpirit #Godistalkingtoyou #freedom #truth #timetoreallylivefree #darlenegaston #christianauthors

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Week 7 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! Come along with me on an eight week challenge and learn where I live from! Week seven is about antichrists and a little bit of leaven.  Antichrists, deceivers and leaven all hold similar meanings.  It might surprise you to learn how the antichrists are in the church today just like they were in John’s time.  The scripture is from Matthew 23:4-38.  You will have to read it on your own in the Message version which you will see go along with the 10 points from The Door Is Open, Chapter 7.  Please don’t hesitate to comment, email or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there. #thedoorisopen #antichrists #deceivers #littlebitofleaven #HolySpirit #Godistalkingtoyou #freedom #truth #Matthew23 #timetoreallylivefree #darlenegaston #christianauthors

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