I had written, in my book club on Facebook, a personal word the Lord had given me at the end of 2020.  Here is what he told me:

There were many who chose not to see when I walked the earth.  Do not despair if they have chosen not to see right now.  When I said many who say Lord, Lord I have done miracles in your name and I will say I know you not will be those who turned me into the law when I fulfilled it instead.

The other night, before I went to sleep, the Lord reminded me of this scripture John 14:6:

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (ESV)‬‬. By simply saying/showing me:

I am

the way

the truth

the life

So, today I went to dig deeper. Here is what I found using the interlinear section of biblehub.com:

I am the way by which one passes, moreover the divine true reality, moreover the life both physical (present) and of spiritual (particularly future) existence (all life throughout the universe, is derived).  None (leaves no exceptions) comes to interface with (more towards a goal/destination) the Father who imparts life if (valid condition) not go through (thoroughly, from side to side) to me (I).  John 14:6 (emphasis is mine and further definition comes from the interlinear section of biblehub.com)

See Jesus never says to follow the law…he says follow ME.  

Let me leave you with a scripture a young woman sent me because it blew her away.  It is so funny how many clues are right there waiting for you to find in scripture. She said she had just finished reading Hebrew 8:8-13 and said to me his promise never fails to bring such joy and peace.  I, of course, went to go read those verses and I highly recommend you do to.  I will give the verse that blew me away (again):

In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete.  And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:13 ESV (emphasis mine)

So many hold to the old covenant that they have made Jesus the law.  That is not who he is or was meant to be.  He came to fulfill the law.  He paved the way for all of us to live in a wide open space.  Come out of the cave with me.  Where there are no fences just wide open fields (which I talk about in my first book, Time To Really Live Free)…and that is exactly what scares people (humanity).  I speak of the only two laws in the new covenant in my second book, The Door Is Open.  The law of liberty and the royal law.   It is so simple to live right there because God gives us everything we need to do so.  There is so much freedom and so many who need to see us not cowering in a cave.

May God fill you with understanding as he unwinds old belief systems and you see the way he sees.  

Much Grace, Darlene


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