
For me, there simply are never coincidences…

#theway #thetruth #thelife #grace #simpleliving #timetoreallylivefree #christianauthor #freedom #faith #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesyou #allofGod #faith #love #Jesus #darlenegaston

The Season of Haunting?

#autumn #fall #simpleliving #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #christianauthor #wideopenspaces #Godisbigger #safe #nofear #faith #love #Jesus #HolySpirit #darlenegaston

Week 8 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! Week eight is about goodness and a new creation-YOU.  The challenge is to rest in God, the vine, from the place of who you are-a new creation and a branch.  The scripture is from John 17:22-23.  You can read more in Chapter 5 of The Door Is Open.  I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have.  Please don’t hesitate to comment, email or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there.  Hoping you have found new freedom in Christ! #thedoorisopen #newcreation #vine #branch #fruitsoftheSpirit #HolySpirit #Godistalkingtoyou #freedom #truth #timetoreallylivefree #darlenegaston #christianauthors

Week 7 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! Come along with me on an eight week challenge and learn where I live from! Week seven is about antichrists and a little bit of leaven.  Antichrists, deceivers and leaven all hold similar meanings.  It might surprise you to learn how the antichrists are in the church today just like they were in John’s time.  The scripture is from Matthew 23:4-38.  You will have to read it on your own in the Message version which you will see go along with the 10 points from The Door Is Open, Chapter 7.  Please don’t hesitate to comment, email or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there. #thedoorisopen #antichrists #deceivers #littlebitofleaven #HolySpirit #Godistalkingtoyou #freedom #truth #Matthew23 #timetoreallylivefree #darlenegaston #christianauthors

Week 6 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! Week 6 is all about your beautiful and unique soul! Have you ever been told you are praying soulish prayers, or you need to divide your soul and spirit? If you have you will want to listen to this video. Both are wrong. The scripture is from Luke 10: 25-28. I encourage you to dig into the Greek of this scripture or get my book Time To Really Live Free and you will have the answers in Chapters 11. Please don’t hesitate to comment or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there. #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #HolySpirit #soul #spirit #heart #mind #Godlovesyou #freedom #truth #darlenegaston #christianauthors

Week 5 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an eight week challenge and learn where I live from! Week 5 is all about Fear and Faith!  Are you living like or just saying God is Bigger than ANYTHING?  By the way October has already been conquered.  Enjoy this month filled with warm autumn colored leaves and warm coffee or tea.  The scripture is from Hebrews 11:6 and if you have my book Time To Really Live Free you can read Chapters 9 and 12 for more. Please don’t hesitate to comment or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there. #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #HolySpirit #faith vs #fear #Godisbigger #Godlovesyou #freedom #truth #darlenegaston #christianauthors

Week 4 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an eight week challenge and learn where I live from! Week 4 is all about your conscience (which everyone has been given) and the Holy Spirit inside each believer. Thankfully God made us each distinctly and has a plan for teaching us and helping each grow in their own time and way which is best for us. The scripture is from Matthew 7:21-23 and if you have my book The Door Is Open you can read Chapter 1, 2 and 8 for more. Please don’t hesitate to comment or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there.
#thedoorisopen #timetoreallylivefree #HolySpirit #trust#Godistalking #Godlovesyou #grace #freedom #truth #darlenegaston #christianauthors

Week 3 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an eight week challenge and learn where I live from! Week 2 is all about loving and forgiving yourself and forgiving others.  Thankfully God made us, loves us, completely has forgiven us for all eternity and he desires for us to love ourselves.  The scripture is from 2 Corinthians 3:18 and if you have my book The Door Is Open you can read Chapter 2 for even more in depth understanding of resting in God. Please don’t hesitate to PM me any questions, aha moments or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there.
#timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #compassion #loveyourself #Godlovesyou #grace #freedom #truth #darlenegaston #christianauthors

Week 2 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom! This is week two of the challenge and it is all about justification and who justifies whom. Scripture is from 2 Corinthians 5:21. Please don’t hesitate to PM me or comment whatever the Lord may have shown you regarding the scripture or if you tried to do the challenge this week and you have something to share about it! Let’s go on this adventure together and learn to not only say we live in a place of freedom but actually live from there. –Watch Below
#timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #God #reconcile #justification #freedom #truth #loveofGod #righteousness #completeforgiveness

Week 1 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! This is week one of the challenge and I start out– where I started out. Please don’t hesitate to PM me or comment what your particular “rule” the Holy Spirit pointed out or whatever the Lord may have shown you regarding the scripture! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only say we live in a place of freedom but actually live from there. (Click link to watch the video).

#timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #law vs #grace #letgooftherules #freedom #truth #loveofGod

Weekly Newsletter
