For me, there simply are never coincidences.  There are times when I really get to see God’s hand in my life; as I am sure you also have experienced this.  Sometimes, they aren’t always the way you would like them to be.  I had made this meme several weeks ago and it sat in my photos as I have been working on my website and felt I wanted to go deeper with what I had said in the meme.  Some will read further, others will take the meme for what it says.  Those that read further will gain deeper insight…

This past Saturday, my husband and I had a chance meeting.  You just never know what door opens and what will happen once it is open.  Out of this conversation with this individual there was a highlighted statement that I knew God was wanting me to listen too.  The person had said something to the effect of :  You need to go back to the original teaching.  This was highlighted for me because God has been speaking to me about returning to the original gospel for years now.  But what the individual meant and what God was telling me were two different things.  The individual wanted me to go back to the old teachings from the 16th century reformation that according to his religion’s point of view their teachings are 2,000 years old.  Yet, that is not what I am supposed to look at.  Not any specific christian religion’s teachings but the word of God.  This is tuff because so many people or religions feel like they have the truth.  But one of the things I am assured of no matter what is that my faith is in Jesus and what he has done for me.  My faith is not in people, religions or what I do or don’t do right.

Like Paul, I can not go back to the rule keeping but must remain in the Grace and promise of the New Covenant which comes through God’s son- Jesus.  As I stated in my first book, Time To Really Live Free:

This is how I define religious: when your checklist usurps God, Himself.-Pg. 8

Now, let me assure you I realize everyone is on their own path to bring them to exactly where God needs each person to be.  That is why these meetings, these crossings of lives happen so we can all continue to grow and be able to listen to one another.

When I use the word hate in the meme I made, I am using it in the same way Jesus used it when he said:

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The Greek word for hate here is:

miseó (verb)-properly to detest (on a comparative basis); denounce, to love someone or something less than someone (something) else, i.e. to renounce one choice in favor of another. (

Simply put, it is choosing to renounce one choice in favor of another.  So choosing Jesus over religion, your father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters.  I feel it comes down to whether or not I, myself, would be able to stand in my faith in the Son of God in any circumstance.  Is one thing more important than my faith in Jesus?  

May God fill you with understanding as he unwinds old belief systems and you see the way he sees.  

Much Grace, Darlene


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Week 6 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! Week 6 is all about your beautiful and unique soul! Have you ever been told you are praying soulish prayers, or you need to divide your soul and spirit? If you have you will want to listen to this video. Both are wrong. The scripture is from Luke 10: 25-28. I encourage you to dig into the Greek of this scripture or get my book Time To Really Live Free and you will have the answers in Chapters 11. Please don’t hesitate to comment or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there. #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #HolySpirit #soul #spirit #heart #mind #Godlovesyou #freedom #truth #darlenegaston #christianauthors

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Week 5 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an eight week challenge and learn where I live from! Week 5 is all about Fear and Faith!  Are you living like or just saying God is Bigger than ANYTHING?  By the way October has already been conquered.  Enjoy this month filled with warm autumn colored leaves and warm coffee or tea.  The scripture is from Hebrews 11:6 and if you have my book Time To Really Live Free you can read Chapters 9 and 12 for more. Please don’t hesitate to comment or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there. #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #HolySpirit #faith vs #fear #Godisbigger #Godlovesyou #freedom #truth #darlenegaston #christianauthors

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Week 4 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an eight week challenge and learn where I live from! Week 4 is all about your conscience (which everyone has been given) and the Holy Spirit inside each believer. Thankfully God made us each distinctly and has a plan for teaching us and helping each grow in their own time and way which is best for us. The scripture is from Matthew 7:21-23 and if you have my book The Door Is Open you can read Chapter 1, 2 and 8 for more. Please don’t hesitate to comment or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there.
#thedoorisopen #timetoreallylivefree #HolySpirit #trust#Godistalking #Godlovesyou #grace #freedom #truth #darlenegaston #christianauthors

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