In my book, The Door Is Open, I discuss several signs of antichrist or anti-messiah behaviors, beginning with the scripture from Matthew 23:4-38 in The Message translation. Let’s delve into the fourth sign, as described in verses 11-12 of Matthew 23:
““Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.”
I want to remind you once again that these are the teachings of Jesus from His time on earth, which reveal the resistance to the authentic gospel that I explore in depth in my second book. Humility, fundamentally, is about being at peace with who you are. However, many within the church are either directed by their leaders or feel compelled to emulate others to be deemed ‘Christlike.’ This approach, however, contradicts the gospel Jesus preached, essentially amounting to anti-Christ or anti-Messiah behavior. Joining the body of Christ isn’t about conforming to a uniform mold. If we all were the same, we wouldn’t have a complete body but merely fragments of it. A body is necessary for a community, where each part plays a crucial role.
Understanding true humility comes when we recognize and accept how God created us.

2 Responses
And I love how your life is counting for plenty ~ helping others understand scripture! LOVE you, my friend 💌
Thank you ☺️!! Love you too!!