Doesn’t get any better than this! Because Jesus said, “It is finished.”!! You are holy because of Jesus and remember no one is above another in God’s kingdom…because:
Jesus came to level the playing field for all people.
Doesn’t get any better than this! Because Jesus said, “It is finished.”!! You are holy because of Jesus and remember no one is above another in God’s kingdom…because:
Jesus came to level the playing field for all people.
If I had to pick my favorite chapter in my first book, Time To Really Live Free, I would have to choose Chapter 14 entitled Missing the #itisfinished #truth #darlenegaston #timetoreallylivefree #christian #christianauthors #christianity #newcovenant #grace #mylife #corebeliefs #righteousness #Jesus #theCross #absolution #celebrate
What is the Law of Liberty to the believer in Jesus? We are living in it right now 🙌🏼🎉. And for us to really enjoy it we must understand what it means. Read more in Chapter 1 of #thedoorisopen! #darlenegaston #lawofliberty #freedom #youarecompletelyforgiven #corebeliefs #whereilivefrom #celebrate #jesuslovesme #christianauthor #truthtuesdays
This is truly where I live from and I know others who still choose to live under the law. You truly can’t live with one foot in the law and the other under grace. #whereilivefrom #perspective #Godslove #darlenegaston #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #deeperunderstanidng #grace #law #corebeliefs #oldtestament vs #newtestament #whatdidjesusdiefor