God Is Really Bigger Than Any Boogeyman

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Originally posted on July 27, 2016 with updates


Below you will find an original post which gives the backdrop for Chapter 12 in Time To Really Live Free.  The Lord has been reminding of this statement :

“God is really bigger than any boogeyman”

which is the title to Chapter 12.  I talk more about what I have dealt with in the demonic, core beliefs and how to shed wrong beliefs in this chapter.  I think this was triggered by a conversation I recently had as I listened to someone, saw their fear and their desire to make sure they are “free”.  

I want to just lightly note here that every situation is different, every person is different and Jesus dealt with each person individually.  The Holy Spirit helps us with this as this is God helping others through us which is what we are called to in this season.  I never really walked in fear with the demonic after choosing Jesus.  I did however walk in fear of “what if God doesn’t love me, forgive me or answer me?”  Like I said everyone is different.  I have been delivered of my fears I just listed during my three days with Jesus.  I find the root of much of what christians experience from the demonic is caused by the very roots I had listed.  If we don’t understand who God is and who we are in him then it can cause a multitude of ‘wrong core beliefs’.  As christians we then walk around saying one thing but living another way.

July 27, 2016

Is God Bigger? Of course we should all answer a resounding, YES! This is like a no-brainier for most/all Christians. Yet, I have talked about how our real beliefs, our core values are played out in our actions not by our words in my both books Time To Really Live Free and The Door Is Open. Too many times we say we believe something and our actions show otherwise. The core value about whether or not we really, truly believe Jesus conquered the enemy is played out in our lives, our actions.

The Story

Here let me give you a real life example: my family and I were at a grocery store (and this isn’t the first time this has happened, nor do I doubt it will be the last time) and a woman that attended the church that I talk about in Ummmm…Is That An Elephant in the Room?!?!? and People Don’t Like Letting the Elephant Out, Questions Answered (both will be reposted next week) was there also. My son ran into her and she at least said hi this time, my son didn’t give her an option as he stood right in front of her and said hi first, (yes there have been people who have looked my boys in their face and turned around without a word and walked away from them even after knowing them for years) but the level of anxiety was so high, the level of fear was so high for her that when she got to her car we watched her as she went to put her shopping cart away when all of a sudden she saw all of us, did a circle in the parking lot with her cart, came back to her car, and left her cart by her car door, then quickly jumped in her car.

This same scenario has happened a multitude of times from others of this same church. I want to make it clear that this is sad…but truly we have learned to laugh at it. Not to be callous; but because we see it for what it really is and laughter is good medicine. While some of the people, who called us friends at one time during our nine years at this church, we have not yet seen in public, but they have dropped us as friends and all connections have ceased. At first I tried reaching out to a few and those simply never replied back. So you just stop trying.  Then you have the others who remain “friends on Facebook” only to keep tabs on you otherwise known as creeping or spying because they won’t converse with you in public so you delete them on Facebook.  If they won’t talk with me in public then you really aren’t a ‘friend’. 

Belief is the Key

What I want to get to here is a belief system that led to this behavior in the first place. It has been taught and instilled in many of the people from this church and possibly others have experienced the same treatment at the hands of a church leadership. In my case, the church leadership needed to defame to destroy me I and others believe because the leadership had announced I was a prophet of the church and they did not want people listening to what I had to say anymore.  But you would have to ask them specifically why because we have only surmised why. So, they used fear as their tactic to keep people away from me, by saying I am “filled with demons” and if they come close to me or my family; have relationship with us; or are even our Facebook friends these demons will jump on them, create more demonic warfare for them, the demons will attack their children, they will soon fall away from God and so on.

The belief that the enemy is bigger was acted out; yet with their own words they would say “God is bigger”.  Which is it?  It can’t be both.

Deliverance from Fear

In my book, Time To Really Live Free in chapter 7, I discuss in detail how people learn more quickly by actions not words. This false belief system within the Christian community needs to stop because it hurts not helps. Now, before I make the following statement I want you to clearly hear wisdom needs to be listened to. God gave us wisdom and the Holy Spirit. Let me give an example: you are a woman like me and you think it is okay to walk down a dark alley by yourself at night….ummm wisdom says not smart. So use wisdom when going places, reading things, etc. But know this, reading a particular book, going to a certain movie, going in a certain coffee shop will not make you lose your salvation. See God is bigger than all that. Now wisdom, Holy Spirit, will tell you hey this book, movie etc isn’t one that may help you, but it could be okay for another person and about coffee shops I can’t drink the coffee at a certain one because it hurts my stomach…it’s the bean they use.

Does that mean I can’t go…no I just pick something else if that place is my only option. pastedGraphic.png Yet, I have found a pervasive belief in some Christian circles that somehow if you go somewhere you become spiritually dirty, or heaven forbid someone touch you that the “pastors” consider “spiritually dirty” because then you will be “tormented all night” or possibly become “infected” etc. This needs to be seen for what it really is- Controlling a group of people with fear.

False Belief 

This false belief system causes Christians to fear going places, seeing people, touching people-who probably need a touch and has brought divisiveness within friendships and sadly families too. There should be no reason anyone from that church should be afraid to talk to me or my family nor the friends that left for their own reasons…many because they were not willing to be scared into not talking to me. I know this sounds crazy. And if I hadn’t lived it, it would be hard to believe. Yet, it has and is still going on today.

But, I desire to get to the root of this wrong belief system, pull it up and out and replace it with the truth. We can say God is bigger than the boogeyman; but do we really believe it. For a long time I lived in the fear I was describing above. Fear to go places, touch some people, or let them touch me. If they did touch me then I had to spiritually “wash off”. What bondage to fear. I am so grateful for grace and God’s revelation to me.

Real Freedom

You need to understand, I have dealt with the demonic and it probably would have been better if I hadn’t read books or listened to others teach me how to help people get free from the demonic. I didn’t fear helping people get free from demonic influence. There were many times I was called to help in situations or would simply be at the right place at the right time to help someone. Yet, this false belief system began to make me question just how big God is and that became a problem. I found once this fear had a place in my belief system, that is when I myself gave wiggle room for the enemy to bug me more or harass me. Since my belief system has been set right, there is simply no more harassment from the demonic. So what changed for me and what needs to change for Christians like me?? You will want to see how God changed me in three days in chapter 1-4 of Time to Really Live Free to begin on this walk to complete freedom in Christ.

My core beliefs changed in those three days and in the days afterward so many questions have been answered.  Because of this I now walk in the fact that the enemy has lost, he has no right in me or around me, anything he tries to whisper and accuse me of I say back the truth – I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:22, 1 Corinthians 1:30, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Philippians 1:11 & 3:9, Galatians 2:21). I never stand in my own goodness or badness–I only stand in Christ. I know who I am and whose I am to the very core of me. In wisdom, anywhere I go with him I am covered, protected and loved. I can touch everyone, have relationship, and talk to anyone and I will leave the mark of Christ’s love because He lives in and through me. I change the very atmosphere of anywhere I step my foot. See I know all this because I know of the deep cost Christ paid for me and I know who lives in me because He chose me first and I said yes! I know God is bigger than any boogeyman. I just don’t say it…I know it to the depths of my being and I walk it out daily with him.

I truly just want freedom for those still bound in fear. I want freedom for all those that are afraid to be near me. If you believe God is bigger, then even if I was filled with demons you should have no problem being near me. And if you truly love me, you say you are a Christian and you truly believe I have demons in me then you should be the first one in line to help me. This is exactly what one of my friends said when she was told to “let go” of our friendship. She said if this is true about Darlene, when I leave work today I am going over to her house and that demon is going to be gone. See right there is the truth. Right there is the knowledge, the core value that God is bigger than anything. The ability of knowing who you are in Christ and whose you are walked out in your actions. What are your actions saying about your beliefs?

“Behold, I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves; be wary and wise as serpents, and be innocent (harmless, guileless, and without falsity) as doves. [Gen. 3:1.]” ​Matthew​​10:16​​AMP


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