I truly live from this place. This place only Jesus could create for the world because his father made a plan from the beginning to do so. This place of complete forgiveness.
I could never do enough, say sorry enough to compete with what Jesus did. It really is that simple.
There were those who told me, ” you are going down a slippery slope”. Meaning there isn’t a place to stop you once you fully embrace what Christ gave to us. But I thought of that and thought why would a loving god do such a wonderful thing and then create a slippery slope to “get me into deeper trouble”. Then I realized once again GRACE.
See there is no slippery slope..we could talk about our moral compass God gave each human and we all have whether we are “saved or not”. But really why not just embrace GRACE. I actually don’t find myself doing worse things “down the slippery slope” many warned me of. I find myself able to breath, love, forgive, feel my feelings, have more patience, live life with those I love. It is just so much fuller living form this place knowing God has forgiven me for EVERYTHING. Not some things…but EVERYTHING.
May you also find this place. My books take a deep dive into this arena and wipe away the “disinformation” many of us grew up with in the church.
Praying each of you reading this and others who aren’t find this place to live from. The place Jesus created when he said, “It is finished”, Darlene