“Church leaders had taught me you choose God’s free gift then you work to keep the free gift.” Pg 8, Time To Really Live Free.

This is not what Christ promised.  He promised that his yoke would be easy and light (Matthew 11:30).  Have you ever felt like you are working really hard to be a “good Christian”?  I sure did for so many years, I was tired of performing for God, people and myself.  

Now, I no longer feel that way.  I realized God never wanted me to perform for him.  I have found what Christ promised to all those who would believe in who he is.  I am truly, really living free in Christ.  He wants everyone to live from this starting point.  Come join me and read how I found my way back to the original message of Christ.

Sending you his peace,



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Faith is a Noun Not a Verb

#Faith, the word, the deeper meaning has me this season. Our perception of this word is important to #believers. Faith is God’s persuasion, a thing, a gift he gives that we accept or choose not to. This changes our perception as we accept this faith gift of persuasion and causes us then to believe and/or trust in what God has persuaded us of. Which is belief and is an action (verb-pisteuó). This #process of changing our perception is known as #repentance. What an amazing thing. #simpleliving #timetoreallylivefree #christianauthor #meditation #journaling #infraredsauna time #jesusloveme #jesuslovesyou

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Faith (noun)

#Faith in the #kingdomofgod is so much different than this worlds beliefs.  God has been talking faith again with me and our understanding of it as humans. This is where I want to start with what he has shared with me. I love going back to what I wrote in my books and then being amazed at what I wrote and then God helping me understand and unwind more. ❤️💙❤️This #Christmas season let go and let God unwindld belief systems and let him teach you something new that is older than time. #faith #love #joy #peace not #fear

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Autumn, a change of seasons.

So excited to start this fall with a new idea! Welcome to #whereIlivefrom Wednesdays.
#autumn #hopefilledfridays #corebeliefs #livingfreeinChrist #darlenegaston #christianauthors #thedoorisopen #timetoreallylivefree #wednesday

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