Eight years ago when we were told we had to leave the church we had gone to for the last nine years and not come back, many people who still attended were handed a sermon on CD regarding the “slippery slope of grace”.  The truth is there is no “slippery slope of grace”.

It is so interesting to me how humanity is so frightened by such a hard won truth.  Christ went to the cross and died so we could have grace and the modern day church wants to throw it back and put limits on it.  Many people were told behind my back that my children were in deep spiritual trouble if we went down this path.  Eight years later, I can attest this isn’t true.  As a matter of fact, all of the spiritual hassles (battles) from the enemy are gone.  Meaning it is no longer happening.  We are closer to God now than before and we know it is because of what he did not what we do.  It is because we know who we are in Christ.  

Grace is what God brought through his son and we are fortunate to live in such a time as this, yet the church throws it back at God in fear.  It is either fear or faith.  I choose to grab hold of the faith God puts inside me, look at Jesus and thank him for all he did for me.  When I do that fear dissipates, grace takes hold and I know no matter what God loves me and leans towards me all the time.  Grace is God’s portion.  The beautiful place he calls each of us to live in.  Where there are no fences just wide open fields (which I talk about in my first book, Time To Really Live Free)…and that is exactly what scares people (humanity).  I speak of the only two laws in the new covenant in my second book, The Door Is Open.  The law of liberty and the royal law.   It is so simple to live right there because God gives us everything we need to do so.   

May God fill you with understanding as he unwinds old belief systems and you see the way he sees.  Much Grace, Darlene


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Grace Is – Living in the New Covenant

The fearful word grace is what started things eight years ago. Grace.  Beautiful, wonderful, full of love–grace.  For some reason grace, within the church (many times), is put on a leash or in a box.  I think I prefer the box analogy…because we don’t want to put God in a box, do we? #grace #graceis #thisisme #newcovenant #christianity #christianauthor #whoyouare #whoGodis #slipperyslope #grace #godsportion #simpleliving #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #freedom #wideopenspaces #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesyou #allofGod #faith #love #Jesus

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