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Moreover, precisely now to endure, not perish, to last we will need trust/belief (faith-pistis), expectation of what is sure (hope-elpis), divine love (love-agape), these three things; moreover indeed now of these three the highly esteemed for its excellence is the divine love.

1 Corinthians 13:13 (Addition of Greek definitions mine)

Love is Esteemed For Its Excellence

This is because:

    • Faith is Present
    • Hope is Future
    • Love is Eternal

The divine love (agape) is God’s preference. He shows his preference for you eternally.  Divine love is just that.  We can feel God’s divine love towards us.  Yet, we can not replicate that divine love.  As humans we are incapable of perfectly reproducing it all the time as God does.  We may come close but it will never be the perfect divine love.  We have God in us but we are not God.  The only person to walk the earth who could do this was Jesus.  Why?  Because he is divine.  We have divinity living inside us but we are not God.  There is a difference.  This does not negate the fact we are now sons and daughters but we still are not God.  I hope this is resonating within some of you.  

What I am saying is that so many Christians are walking around:

    • beating themselves up
    • believing they are in “sin” (a whole different discussion first presented in “Time To Really Live Free”)
    • unable to forgive themselves
    • unable to see themselves as the beautiful creation God made them to be
    • unable to feel God’s love/preference for them  

What I Have Learned

I am doing my 100% with the knowledge, understanding and where I am at right in this moment.  Is it always perfect?-NEVER. Remember only Jesus walked the earth perfectly.  But once again I remind myself I gave my 100% and my 100% will be different in the next moments as I grow–or better understood in scripture to be going from glory to glory:

And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

What a wonderful life where we can make mistakes and know God forgave us long ago at the Cross his son bore for our sake as we accepted his free gift; and a place where we can go to one another, ask for forgiveness ,and move forward together experiencing God’s love.  So, let yourself off the hook first.  We are incapable of being God.  Our focus is on Jesus, his glory, as we have divinity living in us,…but we will never be exactly Jesus because we are not God himself.  It is only a shadow for we are not divine—only God is. 

Proof In The Pudding

There is a word in 2 Corinthians 3:18 which is image. The Greek word is eikón (1504). This Greek word is defined as: “mirror-like representation”, referring to what is very close in resemblance (like a “high-definition” projection).  The other word transform which is taken for the Greek word metamorphoó (3339) means changing form in keeping with inner reality–properly, transformed after being with.

It is like the moon reflects the sun but isn’t the sun.  We reflect Christ but are not him.

See, when I accepted God’s free gift I became a new creation but I didn’t become God.  I have the Holy Spirit (God) living inside me but that does not make me God.  So why would I expect myself to be perfect?  Yet, many Christians do feel this way.  It is time to be free of condemnation, fear and live in the wide open space of God’s love for each of us right where we are at right in this moment. 

A Good Reminder

In the heavenly realm we are seen perfect, because of Christ, on earth we are still living out our glory to even more glory and we are in a marathon not a sprint

If you have any questions please comment below. 

May you feel his arms wrapped around you with his divine love,

Darlene Gaston

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