Just a simple reminder when we need one. It is important, imperative that you are you. God created you specifically! #youareunique #truthtuesdays #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #Godslove #beyou #darlenegaston
I always have questions before the Lord. I am curious by nature and always want to understand better or more fully. One of the topics I talk about extensively in both books, Time To Really Live Free and The Door Is Open, is faith (pistis). Here is what the Lord showed me the other morning. Make sure you have your sound on. 😊
Just a simple reminder when we need one. It is important, imperative that you are you. God created you specifically! #youareunique #truthtuesdays #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #Godslove #beyou #darlenegaston
Many times the church teaches more about performance, fear and condemnation than Jesus and who God really is and who you are in him. #performance #WhoGodis #whoyouareinJesus #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #truthtuesday #truth #justlisten #Godisalwaysspeaking #darlenegaston
What is Humility? We need to tear down wrong belief systems to have the new ones take their place. #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #thecross #jesusdiditall #humility #truthtuesday #truthbomb #whatittakes #reallyfree #darlenegaston