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What one Passover accomplished for the world#truthtuesdays #grace #God #Jesus #nocurse #performance #passoverweek #easterweek #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #darlenegaston
“Time to Really Live Free” is now available in ebook format from your favorite ebook reader platforms (Links found here: Books) . I have also added a feature that allows me to sign your ebook too.
What one Passover accomplished for the world#truthtuesdays #grace #God #Jesus #nocurse #performance #passoverweek #easterweek #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #darlenegaston
“Church leaders had taught me you choose God’s free gift then you work to keep the free gift.” Pg 8, Time To Really Live Free.
This is not what Christ promised…