Christian Book Awards-Gold Stars
Christian Book Awards awarded Gold Stars for both Time To Really Live Free and The Door Is Open. Best quote is: “Every church and library should have a copy of this book for its member to read.
“Time to Really Live Free” is now available in ebook format from your favorite ebook reader platforms (Links found here: Books) . I have also added a feature that allows me to sign your ebook too.
Christian Book Awards awarded Gold Stars for both Time To Really Live Free and The Door Is Open. Best quote is: “Every church and library should have a copy of this book for its member to read.
So excited to earn and share a five star review of Time To Really Live Free from Readers’ Favorite. #TheDoorIsOpen #authorlife #readersfavorite #minicritique #fivestar
So excited to earn and share a five star review of The Door Is Open from Readers’ Favorite. #TheDoorIsOpen #authorlife #readersfavorite #minicritique #allfive