Congratulations ‘Time To Really Live Free’ by Darlene Gaston, a 2023 Gold Medal Christian Book Award Winner in the category of ‘Adult / Non-Fiction’!

What does it mean to ‘live free in Christ’? Why would Jesus tell us to ‘go and sin no more’ knowing that we sin every day? Are you tired of beating yourself up because you can’t live up to your ideal of what it means to be a good Christian? This book explores these important topics and will help you find your freedom in Christ, because it is time to really live free!

This is an excellent reference for people who are struggling with trying to be good enough to get into heaven because it will show you how Jesus can give you to strength and power you need to live your best life in Him!

Every church and library should have a copy of this book for its members to read!

You can purchase a copy of this awesome book at the link here –

Congratulations ‘Time To Really Live Free’ by Darlene Gaston, this book has excellent writing and an important message! God bless! CBA

Congratulations ‘The Door Is Open’ by Darlene Gaston, a 2023 Gold Medal Christian Book Award Winner in the category of ‘Adult / Non-Fiction’!

Jesus opened the door for the whole world, the entire human race, for all time, and invited all of us to live in God’s portion. When we know that we know for 100 percent surety, within our core values, that God loves us no matter what, then we walk like we are loved 100 percent, and this is how everything else follows.

This book explores these important topics and will help you understand these things and more!

This is an excellent reference for people who are having a hard time believing that they are really going to heaven because it shows them from the Bible where they are guaranteed to go heaven if they have put their faith in Jesus! 

Every church and library should have a copy of this book for its members to read! 

You can purchase a copy of this awesome book at the link here –

Congratulations ‘The Door Is Open’ by Darlene Gaston, this book has excellent writing and an important message! God bless! CBA


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Faith (noun)

#Faith in the #kingdomofgod is so much different than this worlds beliefs.  God has been talking faith again with me and our understanding of it as humans. This is where I want to start with what he has shared with me. I love going back to what I wrote in my books and then being amazed at what I wrote and then God helping me understand and unwind more. ❤️💙❤️This #Christmas season let go and let God unwindld belief systems and let him teach you something new that is older than time. #faith #love #joy #peace not #fear

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