Last week I stated in God Sees Me:
This ability to see who God is and who you are to him is the roots to the tree he desires each of us to grow to be. Not by our own ability but by his.
Out of this ability he gives each of those, who puts their trust in his son, great understanding; which is what I discuss in my both books Time To Really Live Free and in more depth within The Door Is Open.
I entitled Chapter 6 in The Door Is Open, Antichrists. Within this chapter I discuss what antichrists are and what they are not. I break it down through scripture to help people better understand Chapter 14 in Time To Really Live Free. See, once you read this chapter your whole perspective will shift and the entirety of the Bible will make sense. I try to bring everyone even more clarity as the Lord gave me clarity as my shift happened. So, really the basis for The Door Is Open is chapter 14 in Time To Really Live Free.
Once you have read both books you will understand my statement in the meme to the left. You may also see yourself in those words as I saw myself in the words. Yes, I tried constantly to justify myself but no more. I am free and I know exactly where I stand with God at all times now. I sincerely desire the same for each of you and you can get there by reading Time To Really Live Free and The Door Is Open.
May God fill you with his understanding, truth, great hope and love, Darlene