Week 8 Challenge-Where I Live From

Come along with me on an #eightweekchallenge and learn #whereilivefrom ! Week eight is about goodness and a new creation-YOU. The challenge is to rest in God, the vine, from the place of who you are-a new creation and a branch. The scripture is from John 17:22-23. You can read more in Chapter 5 of The Door Is Open. I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have. Please don’t hesitate to comment, email or PM me any questions or what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Let’s share this adventure together and learn to not only “say” we live in a place of freedom but actually LIVE from there. Hoping you have found new freedom in Christ! #thedoorisopen #newcreation #vine #branch #fruitsoftheSpirit #HolySpirit #Godistalkingtoyou #freedom #truth #timetoreallylivefree #darlenegaston #christianauthors