If you need to catch up you can view previous days below in the “related posts”.
The next word is “admirable”. This is the first of two words that lead with the Day 8 words. As a reminder the word “if” meaning is:
- what follows is factual- this is the assumption
And the word “any” is defined as:
- any one, some one, a certain one or thing
Admirable means:
- moral excellence, goodness, gracious act
Let’s put together what we have so far:
From now on, all believers (born out of belief in Christ), all that can’t be hidden, all that is deeply respected because viewed as majestic, all that is just in the eyes of God (approved, righteous), all that is uncontaminated from sin and without spoilation even down to the center of one’s being (not mixed with guilt or anything condemnable),all that is worthy of personal affection, all that is deserving praise of good reputation (spoken in a kindly spirit), if (what follows is factual) any (any one, a certain one or thing) moral excellence and…
Come back tomorrow for the next Greek word and be ready to dig into more.
May God fill you with his peace and help you to understand his grace in the New Covenant he sent his son for,
(All Greek definitions come from the Interlinear section of biblehub.com)