Book Review 5 Star Readers' Favorite

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So excited and honored to announce that The Door Is Open was chosen and reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers’ Favorite receiving all 5 stars for appearance, plot, development, formatting, marketability and overall opinion. 

Here is what Courtnee Turner Hoyle wrote:

The Door Is Open by Darlene Gaston summarizes Jesus’ teachings and relates that the path to heaven is through faith and not good deeds. Gaston says we all have a conscience that echoes the law handed to Moses, and it’s the reason other religions have similar rules. She connects the strength of Jesus’ gospel and the game- changing difference between self-empowerment and God- empowerment. Gaston also breaks down the scripture to help readers who may not be familiar with the meaning of scriptural terminology.
I enjoyed the author’s discussion about having a “vertical” relationship with God and a “horizontal” relationship with others and how it looks from a Christian perspective. Darlene Gaston provides useful knowledge, like reading scripture in context, that our salvation does not stem from our behavior but our faith, and the author asserts that God helps empower her decisions. She has the faith to allow Him to do so. She helps readers understand that God’s love is already present, and we can feel it, lending to the book’s theme about God’s unconditional love and unfailing forgiveness. The Door Is Open is a great selection for readers struggling to understand the difference between the Law of Moses and Jesus’ teachings. The book would make a wonderful addition to a Christian library.

I want to thank each and every one of my readers who have bought, read, reviewed and shared my content.  Couldn’t have done this without all of your support, Darlene Gaston


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