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This is truly where I live from and I know others who still choose to live under the law. You truly can’t live with one foot in the law and the other under grace. #whereilivefrom #perspective #Godslove #darlenegaston #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #deeperunderstanidng #grace #law #corebeliefs #oldtestament vs #newtestament #whatdidjesusdiefor
When you dig into text you get such a deeper understanding. It really helps though when we start at the right starting point. #whereilivefrom #perspective #Godslove #darlenegaston #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #deeperunderstanidng #howiseemyself #howGodseesme #corebeliefs #givethanks
Faith manufactured by me vs faith God gives. #faith #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #truthtuesdays #river #christianauthor #darlenegaston