The enemy wants us to look at what we lose. Yet, God wants us to look at what we gain.
Darlene Gaston
What are the gains I look at?
- Agape Love
- Hope
- Freedom
- Holy Spirit living inside me
- I am a new creation
- Eternal life
- Salvation
Jesus brought the New Covenant for so many benefits. One of those benefits is to make you a new creation. #thedoorisopen #thecross #thegoodshepherd #law vs #grace #hope #whereilivefrom #thefullgospel #newtestament #christianauthor #darlenegaston
Jesus brought the New Covenant for so many benefits. One of those benefits is so you could live free. #timetoreallylivefree #JohntheBaptist #thegoodshepherd #watchmen #breaker #law #grace #hope #whereilivefrom #thefullgospel #newtestament #christianauthor #darlenegaston
Your soul and body is just as important to God as your spirit. This is opposite to what you hear in most churches today. #soul #spirit #body #heart #hope #timetoreallylivefree #whereilivefrom #thefullgospel #newtestament #christianauthor #darlenegaston
One Response
This is wonderful! I will be visiting this every Tuesday and Friday. Love you heart! ♥️