Table of Contents


My dad is dying. Yes, we all can say that. We are born to eventually die. This has been on my mind a lot lately. Probably because of my dad. He just isn’t my dad. He is my sister’s dad; my husband’s and brother in law’s father in law; my mom’s husband; and my boys grandpa.

He was diagnosed with a pulmonary disease, 2 years ago, which is idiopathic simply meaning they don’t know what causes it and there is no “cure”. His lungs form “scar tissue” and they harden making it difficult to breath even with oxygen on. He can no longer do any of the things he loves except talk, and even now that is difficult. We have so many good memories to rifle through though. So many and for that I am thankful.

What Is On My Mind

So, death, I have to say, has been on my mind. It is interesting as I have said before I always have multiple questions before the Lord. I want to know…do I always get to know…No. But that is okay because there will always be more opportunities.

God Speaks

When my dad was diagnosed with cancer way back when my boys were itty bitty the Lord directly told me, “it is not unto death”. I walked through all that happened assured my dad would still be on earth to see his grands grow up. He did. With so many adventures most kids don’t get to experience. For this I am grateful.

More Backstory

In the last six and a half months, I have lost two close friends. Much younger than my dad. And so the question I have had before the Lord is healing. I have talked about this before in other past blog posts, I will have to go back and read them maybe. But for now I want to share what the Lord said to me in this moment in time.


You may be asking where is the hope in this hopefilled Friday post….well here it is:

First he reminded me of my best friend as I stood in the room when her husband had passed and how she proclaimed that the prayers had been answered because he is no longer in any pain and is not suffering. The strength and hope God gives in moments when our lives are shattered is always there we just have to accept it like she did.  Then he reminded me of another bestie who fought and chose to make the most of her time even while she was in pain and how I see her legacy in each one her children. Each friend had finished well and left a legacy in their children and family. We, who are left here feel the great loss…but then God reminded me that death, for those in Christ, is a supernatural experience. I had to ponder that with him as he unfolded it in such a beautiful picture for me. Then the scripture came. One we have heard many times, but I am hoping with this that the Lord will also unpack this for each reader as he did for me. The verse is found within 2 Corinthians 5:

“When the time comes, we’ll be plenty ready to exchange exile for homecoming.”

2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Digging Deeper

Let’s dig in a little deeper into the text:

“I am courageous and of good cheer, moreover now, and also pleasingly acceptable(good) of going out (being abroad (out from and to/being absent (away from home)) from out of the living body, and at home amongst one’s own kind to interface with the Lord (a person exercising absolute ownership rights).2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:8‬ (Emphasis and further definition added is mine from definitions)

Our Reminder

Early Christians and us today are being reminded, by Paul, of the great hope that awaits every believer in Christ.  Our hope in death is the fact once we are out of the living body we will be at home amongst our own kind to interface with the Lord which gives us both courage to face death and cheer while facing it.  For those that have gone on before us…for myself I know that one day I also will walk through that door to the other side.  I will go abroad on a trip of my lifetime.  I won’t be “home” anymore but I will be home.  Right where I belong with all those who went before me.  This is my hope, my belief and one I trust in (faith).

May the God of Grace fill you with great hope and understanding, Darlene


2 Responses

  1. Great word which encourages my heart. No matter what this life brings us, we will finish well in knowing that one day we will be home.

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