Hope In Death

Hope Filled Fridays

Hope in death and healing together?!?!?? Yes…all we have to do is open our eyes and see. He invites you to today. Much Grace, Darlene #death #interface #abroad #outofthelivingbody #athome #thedoor #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #darlenegaston

Repent-For the Kingdom of Heaven

Hope Filled Fridays

Repentance in the church has become such a misused word. Β One word I believe that has been twisted in order to control and manipulate people. #TheDoorIsOpen #TimeToReallyLiveFree #hopefilledfridays #repent #corebeliefs #Godslove #humanity #faith #darlenegaston

God Is Really Bigger Than Any Boogeyman

Hope Filled Fridays

Do your actions show God is bigger or do they show something else? Find out what is seen, many times, coming from the church and how their actions show something entirely different. #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #godisbigger #hopefilledfridays #darlenegaston #whereIlivefrom #corebeliefs #Godspeaks


Hope Filled Fridays

Have you ever been told you must forgive otherwise God will not forgive you? Where do we live, as believers? Do we live under condemnation and unforgiveness from God or do we live in forgiveness from God? As believers we can’t have it both ways. #hopefilledfridays #forgiveness #Godslove #Jesus #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #darlenegaston #newcovenant #freeindeed

Gossip?-For One Day We Shall Judge the Universe

Hope Filled Fridays

Have you ever been called a gossip? Did you know this word is not found in the KJV Bible? And what does this have todo with judging the universe? Find out…
#TheDoorIsOpen #TimeToReallyLiveFree #hopefilledfridays #judge #gossip #corebeliefs #humanity #judgetheworld #darlenegaston

Free Wallpaper For Devices

Hope Filled Fridays

πŸŽ‰ Free Wallpaper for Devices πŸŽ‰ Through the Summer πŸ’–πŸ’ƒπŸ» #freestuff #devicewallpaper #hopefilledfridays #shop #summer #hope #truth #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #darlenegaston

Live Like

Hope Filled Fridays

Live like… The answer to this will surprise you…because I am a Christian. It will not be what you expect. #TheDoorIsOpen #TimeToReallyLiveFree #hopefilledfridays #strength #corebeliefs #Godslove #humanity #faith #darlenegaston

Grace Suffices You

Hope Filled Fridays

Grace suffices you. What exactly does this mean? #TheDoorIsOpen #TimeToReallyLiveFree #hopefilledfridays #strength #corebeliefs #Godslove #humanity #faith #darlenegaston

Grace Is Enough

Hope Filled Fridays

Do you live like you are completely forgiven? #TimeToReallyLiveFree #hopefilledfridays #forgiven #corebeliefs #Godslove #humanity #faith #darlenegaston

God’s Love For Us

Hope Filled Fridays

God’s love for us is bigger than our behavior.Β  Keep your eyes on the bigger picture…

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