Faith-All of Him

Colossians 2:10 “…in Him”. That little word in is ‘en’ in the Greek.  Here is this little word’s definition, which brings so much meaning:.#simpleliving #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #christianauthor #meditation #journaling #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesyou #allofGod #faith #love #Jesus #Colossians2 #heneverleavesme

Faith & Phobos (noun)

Fear (phobos -noun) causes actions from all people.  Just as faith (pistis -noun) causes actions from all people.  If we can first see fear or faith as a thing which then moves us into an action (result-verb) then this will make much more sense to us…#simpleliving #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #christianauthor #meditation #journaling #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesyou #fear #faith #love #Jesus #Romans8 #heneverleavesme

My Heart & Faith

My #heart and #Faith intertwined as one with God’s heart. A #newcreation I am in #Christ. Faith is God’s persuasion, a thing, a gift he gives that we accept or choose not to. This changes our perception as we accept this faith gift of persuasion and causes us then to believe and/or trust in what God has persuaded us of. Which is belief and is an action (verb-pisteuó). This #process of changing our perception is known as #repentance. What an amazing thing. #simpleliving #timetoreallylivefree #thedoorisopen #christianauthor #meditation #journaling #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesyou

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